Most people still value human social interaction above solo sex.” Most searched termsĢ015 saw the most searched term on Pornhub to be 'lesbian', and surprisingly, it was popular among female viewers.
Psychologist Dr Laurie suggests that “these results may indicate that porn watching is linked to leisure but not as a priority for people. Spikes are seen on early Sunday mornings before bedtime, Saturday afternoons, Friday late nights and early mornings before work on weekdays. So if you're wondering which days, and at what time, traffic was highest and lowest, here it is: Cuba, even with its restrictions on the internet, rang in an average time spent of 5 minutes and eleven seconds on the site.Īccording to Pornhub, traffic is affected by public holidays and in India, it was Ramadan that caused a 15% dip in traffic. The USA and UK still occupy first and second place respectively. When it comes to traffic worldwide, India came in third place with 9 minutes and thirty seconds of average time spent, one up from where it was in 2014. World's Most Porn Watching Countries List